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Why choose an oval washbasin?

Why choose an oval washbasin?

Washbasins are one of the undisputed protagonists of bathroom furniture. They are becoming increasingly eye-catching and are available in different shapes and materials. They are the perfect 'ingredients' if we want to attract the attention of anyone who crosses the threshold of the bathroom. One of the most glamorous shapes is the oval washbasin, a real must-have for an elegant and sophisticated bathroom. Why is it important to choose it?

An oval washbasin for the bathroom, what are the advantages?

One of the most important questions when buying a new washbasin for the bathroom is its shape. There are rectangular, round, square and oval washbasins on the market, and each type has advantages that should not be underestimated when creating a beautiful and comfortable ambience.

It is necessary to find the right compromise between aesthetics and functionality, and this is not always easy. The most common mistake to avoid is certainly to choose a beautiful washbasin that perfectly matches the style of the bathroom but is rather uncomfortable to use or, conversely, to focus too much on functionality while neglecting aesthetics and then end up with a washbasin that is not pleasing to the eye.

A round washbasin may be perfect for a bathroom with an attractive appearance, but it is certainly less practical than a rectangular model. A good compromise, on the other hand, is the oval washbasin, which furnishes the bathroom with its elegant shape while offering a fairly spacious and comfortable bowl. Although its lines are pleasantly curved, the overall structure, dimensions and depth are reminiscent of those of the rectangular washbasin, with which it is also comparable in terms of comfort.

This washbasin seems to be the perfect solution because it is able to perfectly combine aesthetics and functionality, also thanks to the different sizes in which it is offered, it blends with surprising ease into both modern and more classic bathrooms. The only disadvantage of this type of washbasin is that it can be too bulky for a bathroom that is too small. But if you have a normal-sized bathroom and are looking for a washbasin that is as beautiful as it is functional, the oval washbasin is your perfect ally.