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Trendy colours for a modern bathroom

Trendy colours for a modern bathroom

What are the trendy colours for a modern bathroom? Planning spaces with delicate nuances capable of releasing intense emotions is certainly the dream of many people.

Today the bathroom is no longer considered a simple utility room but a real oasis devoted to body care and well-being, where everything must be designed down to the smallest detail for glamorous and refined settings. So, let’s see what the trendiest colours for a bathroom are and how to make exclusive spaces where you can relax and dedicate yourself to the care of your body.

Colour is important in interior design, there is no doubt about this. It is as if you could consider the room that you have in front of you a palette, where all your creativity at its best can be developed freely. If furnishing with colours is one of the most popular trends of the moment in interior design, it is also important not to overdo combinations of colours.

Choosing the colours for your bathroom means outlining its style. That is why it is essential that each element combine with the rest of the furniture in the bathroom if you aspire to achieve a successful furnishing project

Trendy colours and refinement for bath décor between 2020 and 2021

The continuous evolution of bath design has led to consider the bathroom no longer a simple utility room but rather a space that increasingly looks like an authentic oasis of relaxation, in which to take shelter and take care of one's body.

For this reason, the best interior designers have developed projects aimed at creating glamorous and sophisticated settings. In this scenario there are some elements that, in addition to being distinguished by the very high quality of the raw materials used, also offer a wide variety of models and styles. These elements have been enriched with colour to follow the new market trends in an increasingly optimal way.

2020, for example, has seen the reconfirmation of colours that had already been selected the year before with the same timeless warm and natural shades

Will this be the trend for 2021 too?

To colour a minimalist style bathroom, ever more up-to-date and attractive, new proposals will certainly knock on the door: the newest trend shows combinations of basic colours, such as black and white, with various shades of grey.

An example comes from the black washbasin of the Inka collection, which releases all its charm when recessed into a white suspended cabinet. We recommend wall tiles with a grey background to complete the best bath decoration.

The secret of carrying out a successful colour-based interior design project is the creation of a different focal point in the bathroom: for example, a wall instead of the usual sanitary fixtures or simply the washbasin.

The accent wall can be coloured with soft shades of pink, or with warm colours such as dark yellow and ochre, which are perfect if you have bathroom furniture in wood or rattan. For a classic style bathroom instead, another trendy solution could also be the combination of black and gold: an evergreen combination of colours that suits any vintage style environment.

What colours to choose for a small bathroom

The size of the room as well as the natural light that illuminates the bathroom can influence the choice of colours: when you have a small bathroom the choice of dark coloured floors, sanitary ware and wall tiles can create a sense of oppression.

One of the tricks used most by interior designers is to find elements that can give a sense of lightness to the bathroom, such as suspended sanitary ware and light-coloured space-saving furniture.

The same goes for a bathroom that is poorly lit by windows or even without natural light sources. A blind bathroom must necessarily contain pale coloured sanitary fixtures and wall coverings so that the brightness of the room, which comes exclusively from the bathroom lighting, will not be compromised.