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Tips for renovating your bathroom

Tips for renovating your bathroom

The bathroom is the most intimate room in the house and probably also the one where renovation can cause the greatest difficulties, since in some phases the services cannot be used. Let's take a look at everything you need to know before starting the renovation work, the work phases and the timing and cost.

Bathroom renovation: regulations and permits

First of all, to be precise, renovation can be defined as total only when the floor screed is affected, that is the layer of cement which, in addition to levelling the floor, includes all the pipes needed for the hydraulic and electrical systems. Before starting with the work, then, you must also bear in mind that depending on the municipality of residence there are regulations with specific local rules to be respected during renovation (not only of the bathroom but of the entire house). The legislation is very broad and covers several factors, such as measurements, the ventilation system, the placement of electrical outlets and of course also noise pollution and the times when it is not possible to perform noisy operations. It is therefore essential to inquire beforehand in your municipality, even simply by visiting the website. In general, for renovation, it is not necessary to ask for authorization from the municipality unless the debris are to be lowered from the window facing the road. In this case, it is necessary to ask for permission to occupy the public land and consequently, pay a municipal tax.

Subsities and tax breaks acailable for bathroom renovation

Before embarking on a restructuring process, it is good to be aware of the fact that in some cases there are tax benefits. In Italy, the current legislation establishes a 50% IRPEF deduction for building renovation and extraordinary maintenance work. In this regard, it should be noted that the replacement of sanitary ware is not considered extraordinary, but ordinary maintenance work, therefore it cannot benefit from the deduction. Furthermore, application of a 10% VAT discount is foreseen for all those services concerning ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, including the goods and materials supplied by the company that carries out the work. Note that goods purchased by a third person (not the client) and services provided by a subcontractor cannot benefit from reduced VAT.

The phases of renovation

Complete renovation of the bathroom is divided into several phases:

  • Demolition: After closing the water and removing all the furniture, the first and noisiest phase of renovation begins. The constructor must dismantle old sanitary ware and demolish floors, walls and screed. Together with the plumber, traces are marked where the new pipes and the sanitary fittings will be placed. 
  • Hydraulic system: Once the old pipes have been removed, the new ones can be installed following the previously marked traces. When renovating, pipes in modern material such as PVC are chosen, which guarantee high performance at an affordable price. The phase dedicated to the hydraulic system is very important and must be followed by a professional plumber, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences such as water leaks.
  • Electrical system: The electrical installation is also extremely important. This phase is not always provided, but if changes or replacements are needed then it is necessary to intervene, obviously respecting the rules laid down for guaranteeing home security. Legislation provides for a subdivision of the bathroom into 4 zones depending on the danger. Zone "0" includes the inside of the tub and the shower, followed by zone 1 (up to 2.25 meters above the tub or the shower), zone 2 (which includes 60 cm to the sides of the tub and 2.25 meters above it) and zone 3 (beyond zone 2 up to a maximum distance of 2.40 meters).
  • Screed: After installation of plumbing and electric wires, the builder must pour and level the screed, the layer of concrete where pipes and wires have been placed. The floor must be perfectly levelled.
  • Floor tiles and wall covering: Once the screed has dried perfectly, it is time to lay the tiles on the floor. In this step it is very important that a high-quality glue is used and that it is distributed homogeneously. Furthermore, no one should step on the floor until it is completely dry. The walls depend a lot on your personal taste. In the '60s, for example, it was fashionable to place tiles up to the ceiling, but today it is more likely that the wall is left freer and tiled up to about 1.30/1.50 meters or only in some parts of the bathroom (near the tub, the bidet and the sink). The important thing is that you use a waterproof and resistant material. 
  • Installation of sanitary fittings and faucets: After all the surfaces have been adequately tiled and are dry, you can proceed with the installation of new sanitary ware and fittings. Depending on your taste and needs, you can choose among wall-mounted or floor-standing sanitary ware, but we will focus on this later. In this phase, a very important moment is that of the final verification of the water seal and of the absence of leaks.
  •  Wall and ceiling painting: At this point, most of the work has been done, so it is necessary to paint the walls and the ceiling. It is advisable to opt for a water-soluble and breathable paint since the bathroom is a very humid environment, where mould is likely to develop.
  • Accessories Once: the bathroom has been completely redone, the restyling can be completed with the positioning of towel racks or rails, toilet paper holders, curtains, mirrors and so on. The choice of accessories is strictly related to the style and colours prevalent in the room; the most commonly used are chrome, plastic and wood, perfect for those who want to give the environment a natural atmosphere. 


Generally, apart from complications or extremely complex work, the renovation of the bathroom requires a maximum of 7 days. This environment is essential in the house and therefore the work should be done as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, during some phases of the renovation the bathroom is not usable, and this is an inconvenience for those who live in the house, especially if it is the only bathroom available. On the other hand, if a complete renovation is not carried out but only a change of tiles and sanitary ware takes place, everything should be over, on average, within 2/3 days. 


Prices to renovate the bathroom are variable and depend on many factors, but in general the average cost ranges between 3,000 and 7,000 Euros. There are many items to be taken into account in the budget: the type of tiles chosen, the sanitary fixtures and fittings, the size of the room, the type of work required (for example the replacement of the hydraulic system costs between € 90 and €100 per m², the removal of flooring around € 9 per m² and the laying of floors around € 10 per m²) plus labour. Since labour can have a significant effect on the final cost, it is always advisable to consult several specialized companies before assigning the job.

The choice of sanitary ware

The choice of sanitary ware is very important, and it is a decision that is influenced by several factors. Obviously, the first dilemma concerns whether to opt for floor-standing or wall-mounted sanitary ware:

  • Floor-standing sanitaryware are the classic ones, still present in most houses. The floor-standing sanitary ware, as well as the drain system, are fixed to the floor. Their positioning allows a homogeneous distribution of weight and a greater sensation of stability. A variation of the floor-standing sanitary fittings is the back-to-the-wall model, which is characterized by the presence of drain pipes inside the wall and a more contemporary design.
  • Wall-mounted sanitaryware  have a modern and captivating design, giving the environment a feeling of lightness. Not being attached directly to the floor, they allow more thorough cleaning. In addition, the wall-mounted drain system is quieter and is perfect for small bathrooms, since it saves space. The only problem with this type of sanitary ware is that they need to be placed on a wall that has a thickness of at least 12 cm, so if there is no such wall in the bathroom, the only solution is to create one where the toilet and bidet will be placed.

Choosing sanitaryware and bathroom furniture online

Deciding to choose and buy sanitary ware and everything you need for your bathroom on the internet will save you time, money and will also provide you with more choices. All this research can be comfortably done from home rather than by wandering from shop to shop. There are a wide range of items on the Karasan website accompanied by detailed technical information. Characteristics of each product are indicated in a clear and simple manner. This information is comprehensible even for those who are not experts in the field.