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How to set up a laundry room in the bathroom.

Increasingly smaller homes often require solutions that integrate the laundry room into the bathroom. However, the area dedicated to personal hygiene may be affected by this downsizing of living spaces. So how can you create a laundry room in a small bathroom without compromising comfort and design? With a careful selection of furniture, this is possible.

Bathroom with laundry room, a space with dual functionality.

Regardless of its size, a bathroom with a laundry room must fulfil a dual function: it must provide users with a beautiful and comfortable environment for personal hygiene while guaranteeing a space for the whole family to do laundry. The project, which at first glance seems difficult to realise, can instead lead to solutions that perfectly combine elegance and functionality. Of course, you need to take particular care when choosing the laundry furniture.

To achieve a result that fulfils both the aesthetic and practical factor, you can opt for furniture with straight and square lines, with an essential design that eliminates anything superfluous or redundant. With this solution you get a laundry room that fits well into a small bathroom and gives the minimalist space an attractive look. To maximise the available space, opt for a vertical arrangement with hangers, laundry baskets and shelves that extend from floor to ceiling. To give the whole area an aesthetically pleasing look, we could consider the nesting technique. This technique is widely used in interior design and is appreciated for both its functionality and aesthetics. In this case, we could think of combining the stacked baskets next to the washing machine and tumble dryer, with a space for a folding ironing board, which does not take up too much room when it is not in use.

How should the laundry furniture be arranged in the bathroom?

To create a space that meets the washing needs of the whole family, you need a sink on a vanity unit next to the washing machine and tumble dryer. This sink can be selected in different sizes depending on the space available. Then, you need a ceiling-high laundry cupboard or wall-mounted cupboards in which you can store detergent and everything else you need to wash your laundry.

Depending on the nature of the room, you can opt for a linear solution for laundry in the bathroom, mounted on the same wall where the shower and sanitary facilities are installed, or for an equipped space at the end of the room. This solution is the most popular, as it perfectly meets the requirements of a long and narrow bathroom and offers the possibility of creating a hidden laundry room in the bathroom by simply separating the washing area.

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