How to renovate a public bathroom: proposals for enhancing

Reluctance to use public toilets is well-known. In many cases the main reasons are the state of neglect and the low standards of hygiene that affect this important area of a public place. Here is some advice for renovating public bathrooms and amazing regular patrons.

Pay attention when buying sanitary ware

An old yellowed washbasin or an encrusted toilet are a warning signal for the owner to decide about the renovation of the toilet in his shop or store. A good solution would be the installation of a wall hung washbasin in order to give a modern footprint to the design and to facilitate cleaning the room. A suspended washbasin, besides being very sturdy, can prevent dirt from seeping into corners which are very difficult to sanitise. There are many pieces of fine Italian-made sanitary ware that can easily be combined with original style furniture. Therefore, it should not be very difficult to find the one that best suits you. As for toilets, it is important to offer, if there is enough space available, different solutions for owners and patrons. Squatting pans, wall-mounted urinals or the more traditional floor-standing toilet are the quickest solutions for public places with a continuous turnover of patrons and help avoid long queues especially when the facility has few toilets available.

A wise choice of colours

Modernising a public toilet involves the right choice of colours that should not be underestimated. If the area is very small, very bright colours are recommended, such as white or beige, in order to have the impression of a larger space. You can simply add a few touches of colour to customize the public toilet, to provide it with a distinctive trait and make it much more welcoming. A wider range of possible choices are addressed to those who have a very large area to renovate but be careful about making mistakes! Sometimes, it is better to opt for a single main colour, even a very dark colour like blue, green, brown or grey. The point is to avoid a mixture of different colours that could clash or create anxiety and stress. If the shop has a distinctive logo or a predominant paint on the walls, it is good to decorate the bathroom according to that style so as to ensure a certain coherence in the interior design.

A modern style in bathroom renovation

There are bathroom accessories designed for public toilets that could be suitable for anyone looking for modern furniture. The current trend is to favour round, curved, smooth and tapered shapes. The most common materials used for accessories are either matte or shiny and are often combined together to create striking contrasts and plasticity. A public toilet evokes a sensation of cleanliness when the entire room shines, that's why many owners decide to opt for shiny surfaces and chrome bathroom accessories in order to amaze patrons at first glance. On the other hand, this choice could be wrong for toilets in service stations or very large tourist facilities because they require continuous sanitation and there is a considerable cost for highly qualified personnel. Mirrors are the most popular accessories bought by customers; they can be simple but with innovative shapes or bordered in hard wooden frames to add a final touch of luxury. In this last case, the design offers different alternatives, but we must remember not to force the hand when we furnish public toilets because flamboyant frames could clash with informal environments.