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How to furnish a modern style bathroom

How to furnish a modern style bathroom

A modern style bathroom can be both an elegant and practical solution. Today, even bathroom suites represent real pieces of furniture, no longer to be treated superficially as happened in the past, but with attention, class and style.

The main guidelines for furnishing a modern bathroom

The furnishings and design accessories are of great importance and can give a strong connotation to the bathroom, starting from the faucets which must be in chrome. Brass is not recommended, since it is a material that is better suited to a vintage style and is in any case more demanding. The purpose of the bathroom is to give a feeling of space and relaxation: use materials that are easy to clean and treat, possibly bright, elegant tiles and pastel colours. These are the main aspects that characterize a modern bathroom. From a stylistic point of view, it is possible to have some squared lines with edges or slightly rounded lines, even if the former are a classic representation of design and innovation. In any case, it is always important to choose carefully, making harmonious choices because it does not take much to ruin a style.

Sanitary ware and washbasins: an aspect of a modern bathroom

We suggest using sanitary fixtures with modern and clean shapes, sometimes minimalist, such as wall-mounted fixtures or those with a square shape. A white washbasin and bidet are best with chrome-plated steel faucets. It is even possible to choose white taps and knobs. Those who prefer other colours should tend towards a contrast, always favouring a light shade: black (or dark) should represent a contrast in opposition to white, the same is true for other colours (for example red or blue). Avoid decorated profiles, tiles with old fashion mosaics or paintings or, even worse, parts in relief: all styles that have nothing to do with the concept of modern. Those who love mosaics and decorations will have to choose modern materials and modern styles.

Technology in the bathroom and modern furnishings

When furnishing a modern bathroom, you cannot do without technology. Its presence in the room is decisive not only in the shower, but also in taps, touch control, water saving systems, chromotherapy devices, music diffusion and hot tubs. At a glance, you must immediately think of an important technological impact. There are accessories that incorporate hi-tech aspects and are combined with particularly modern and sophisticated shapes. Furnishings too, must transmit a modern style and can do so by following clean lines, both for furniture, shelves and containers. A base of glossy white lacquer must be a first imprint of the modern bathroom. Another very interesting material that succeeds in giving a new and technological look is glass, especially in the shower box, perhaps with aluminium profiles for a very fashionable and appreciated combination.

Renew through light

Brightness plays an important role in characterizing modern bathroom furniture, and spotlights with cold led lighting are an ideal solution. Avoid copper or brass lamps with designs and decorations typical of other periods. It is better to choose an indirect lighting that can, consequently, result in a pleasant, efficient yet soft lighting effects: this is why having white and glossy walls and surfaces is essential. The mirror must be chosen accordingly to the style of the furniture: to keep it modern, it is useful to have a built-in lighting, or in any case, lighting which is very close to the mirror itself. The ultra-modern shower is enhanced if it benefits from its own lighting so that you can also turn off the other lights in the room and leave only the shower lights switched on: not only does it save energy, but it creates a better and more relaxing environment.

Modern bathroom tiles

The choice of flooring and tiles is perhaps the one thing that more than anything else leads to a modern look in a bathroom. There are a multitude of materials available on the market and they are all valid. Strangely enough, even the choice of wood can give a modern flavour to the environment, but also a floor in resin or with stone effect represent solutions that are typical and innovative nowadays. Even shower trays can be built with such materials, especially those flush with the floor. Some decorations are best in bright colours that can contrast the main colour scheme. To give an extra touch, it is possible to choose a wall of a different colour than the others: in this case, you might also opt for black or a dark colour. An absolutely modern trend is the use of wallpaper to decorate the bathroom but pay attention to use it with criteria without getting flashy. Black or dark colours are sometimes used for very large bathrooms, such as in restaurants. For the domestic environment, it is always preferable to stick to light colours because they give a greater sense of spaciousness, and those with medium-small spaces can achieve a good feeling of depth and space.