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How to clean your shower drain: practical solutions

How to clean your shower drain: practical solutions

Limescale or soap residue and strands of hair can clog pipes over time, causing slow water flow. Therefore, to have a shower which is always functional, it is necessary to clean the drain periodically. If you carry out regular maintenance on the drain to keep it clean, you can prevent the formation of small obstructions which are difficult to remove as they gradually draw other dirt and slime when you use the shower.

For routine maintenance, no chemical products are needed (because they are often aggressive for the pipes and ceramic surfaces too).

How to clean the shower drain with baking soda and vinegar

An excellent home remedy to clean the shower drain is to pour about 250 grams of baking soda into the shower drain and then continue by pouring a cup of white vinegar. Plug the drain and let the mixture work for about 30 minutes. After this lapse of time, open the drain and pour a saucepan of boiling water into the drain. The hot water should clean the drain from soap residue and hair which has already dissolved thanks to the action of the baking soda and vinegar.

This remedy ensures high-performance in pipes without water. That is why it is important to use the mixture only after a few hours from having a shower. Thus, the liquid can drain completely, even if the outflow is slow.

Is the shower drain clogged? A plunger could be enough

If the presence of filth in the pipes completely blocks the drain, preventing the water from draining, it is possible to intervene with a simple plunger.  

A wet shower tray is the perfect surface on which to use a plunger. After being positioned on the drain, it needs to press and pull the handle up and down so that the plunger can exert a slight pressure inside the pipes. Repeat the procedure 5/6 times to bring the debris that block the drain to the surface.

At this point, with the help of a flashlight and a simple metal wire shaped as a hook (you can obtain one from your wire hangers) it is possible to remove the dirt. If necessary, repeat the operation until the water drainage becomes regular again.

Remember that the plunger must always be placed on an evenly wet surface to ensure maximum results: if the shower tray is dry, run a little water before plunging the drain.  

Shower maintenance: clean the drain by using a flexible hose

Planned and preventative maintenance is also important to make your shower work well all the time. If routine maintenance does not prove to be sufficient and the water outflow is still too slow, it is possible to intervene with a flexible hose. This tool, which is necessary for shower drain maintenance, is available in hardware stores and specialized DIY centres.

After inserting the end of the hose into the drain, slide it until it meets the clog. A slight resistance is felt when the hose reaches the obstruction. At that point, move the crank handle at the other end of the hose by turning it clockwise. Gently remove the hose while continuing to turn the crank. The debris that prevented the smooth outflow of water should be pulled out with the tip of the hose.


Try running water to check if the drain is now completely unclogged and repeat the procedure if necessary.


If none of these simple remedies work, you can always use chemical drain cleaners. However, remember that this is the last alternative you should consider because, despite the fact that it gives you immediate results thanks to its aggressive components, it involves considerable damage to the environment and sometimes even to the pipes and chrome plating. If you think that environmental protection is of importance, or if you really want to keep your just-purchased and precious shower tray bright and in working order, remember that never, as in this case, will prevention be a better than cure and remember also that planned and preventative maintenance on the shower drain will allow you to remove dirt and slime before they turn into large obstructions.