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How to choose the right washbasin

How to choose the right washbasin

The bathroom has become, in a modern perspective, a room in which much more time is spent than in the past and it is no longer just a place of passage used exclusively in case of necessity. Designers and architects dedicate a lot of space to a modern bathroom, trying to make it attractive, modern and stylish, providing classic or more audacious stylistic solutions, all worthy of arousing curiosity and interest. A component that is certainly among the main contributors to the aesthetics of the bathroom is undoubtedly the sink. It is able to focalize attention and determine a style, which can be modern, classic, extravagant or vintage. Forms, materials and types of installation may vary and change from model to model, leading to different aesthetic realizations.

The choice parameters of the bathroom

Choosing a sink means taking into consideration several variables, starting from the structural ones that concern the positioning of water pipes and drains. Beyond this assessment, which must however be physiological and is often binding, what must be considered for the purpose of choosing a sink is functionality, space and shape. - Functionality: a washbasin is used daily and therefore must be convenient and practical, usable and simple to keep clean. - Shape: modern geometries range from being curved to squared, to true asymmetric design masterpieces. The concept of form joins that of dimension and in general the two variables must be considered in parallel. - Space: this variable is crucial because there are washbasins of different sizes that can be adapted to small bathrooms or larger rooms. The dimension must be proportionate to the surrounding space. A large sink in a small bathroom jars and gives a sense of oppression, but on the contrary, a small sink in a large space is not likely to be very functional. Therefore, a good balance in proportions is required.

The types of washbasins

The sector offers choices that concern different types of sinks, distinguishable in terms of installation.

  • The pedestal washbasin: despite being a comfortable, traditional, economical and lasting solution, it is becoming less and less common. It is usually placed in small bathrooms, which are not frequently used. The column acts as a support to the basin of the sink that is placed on top and hides the pipes in order to make the aesthetic impact more pleasant. Cleaning the back of the column is possible but sometimes becomes complex due to the small space between the column and the wall. A variant is a free-standing washbasin, whose main characteristic is that of being a single block composed of a basin and a column. The free installation is indicated when you want to revisit a classic pedestal sink in an updated key.
  •  The built-in washbasin: this kind of installation is a link between a traditional and a modern solution. The sink is inserted into the appropriate cabinet, optimizing spaces. The fact that it is "built-in" means that there is no clear interruption between the upper horizontal surface of the furniture and the sink, but there is still a slight overhang. The latter is almost hidden thanks to the insertion inside the cabinet, which loses a little capacity to make room for the sink. A variant is represented by the partially recessed washbasin, which is an elegant and alternative proposal that offers a basin which is a few centimetres above the top of the counter. Aesthetically, a good effect is obtained, through this creative and particular solution, able to give a note of modernity. Often the sink is integrated into the top, in the sense that the surface is perfectly continuous, flush to the counter. The top and the sink appear as a single piece. Elegant, practical and functional, with a great aesthetic appearance, it is perfect if installed in chromatic contrast with the furniture that accompanies it.
  • Cantilever washbasin: also referred to as semi-recessed, since a part is embedded in the cabinet, while the front part deliberately protrudes. It has squared or rounded shapes and expresses a sign of rupture to provide a creative, modern and strongly aesthetic effect, giving dynamism to the entire bathroom.
  • Wall-hung washbasin: a pretty design proposal, it is quite common because it is very aesthetic and creative despite having the siphon in view. With this type of washbasin, you can have various shapes, leaving the space below free to be cleaned regularly and easily. No column or support furniture is provided, as it is fixed directly to the wall. From an architectural point of view, it is possible to combine several accessories, such as shelves, since it does not have any constraints of built-in furniture. Another advantage comes from the possibility of positioning it at the height you want.
  • Counter top washbasin: those who want the maximum expression of modernity must inevitably prefer a counter top sink. This is literally placed on top of a shelf, interrupting the stylistic line and creating an appreciated interruption. The overall dimensions are greater because the adjacent surface cannot always be exploited in the best way and requires more thorough cleaning than a built-in model. At the same time, it is possible to opt for a vintage design, recalling the antique washbasins that were used in the past. This is why, in this type of washbasin, there is the stark contrast between modern design and reference to a past time. Different materials, colours and shapes, are practically endless with this solution, which offers a good choice of personalization for the bathroom.

Materials: a dictated or personal choice?

Modern time offers different types of materials with which the sinks are produced. Depending on the type and model of the washbasin, one material may be more suitable than another, giving the system a particular and dedicated style. For example, the ceramic gives a different effect than the same sink produced in resin and this leads to think even more accurately to the choice of the sink. - Ceramics: it is the most commonly used material because it is durable, inexpensive, and requires little maintenance. It has drawbacks, however, since it is difficult to mould attractive and modern shapes. The trend is that of a classic imprint. It is usually used for free standing solutions or for pedestal sinks, but it is also well suited to other possibilities.

  • Marble and stone: these are special materials that recall a retro style. Marble, above all, provides an elegant. Stone, on the other hand, is used for rustic or modern washbasins, especially when combined with a shower tray or tiles of the same material. They are adaptable to different solutions and stone is perfect for free standing or counter top sinks. Stone and marble can give the bathroom a particularly elegant and minimalist appearance.
  • Glass: exclusivity, elegance and value are the three main characteristics of a glass washbasin. The optical effect is incredibly essential, to the point that often the object is not even seen, allowing the furniture or the support surface to emerge. A glass sink can be particular and practical because it favours the brightness of the environment, having a high-level aesthetic result. The surface is quite delicate and therefore requires specific products to preserve its shininess and transparency. The use of a glass sink mainly concerns the counter top or built-in models, which create a single element with the top of the furniture. -
  • Resin: the workability of the material is of great value, it is possible to obtain intriguing and innovative colours and shapes. In counter top washbasins resin gives a very good external appearance and makes it possible to play on geometric asymmetries as well. The product itself is not particularly expensive and the maintenance required is not excessive, but if you find higher prices compared to other solutions, it is due to design, an element thanks to which designers and architects can unleash their creativity in an inventive and modern design.
  • Mineral-marble: mineral powder held together by special gel resins to form an incredibly "tactile" material. The effect is very pleasant, able to amaze even the most extreme traditionalists. A mineral-marble washbasin is mainly used for wall-hung or cantilevered models, so as to obtain a contrast of shapes and design.


The choice of the ideal washbasin should tend toward a model which, more than others, will integrate well with the style of the bathroom furniture, considering the style of bathroom fixtures, shower and accessories, without neglecting the practical and functional component, which is essential. Even the bathroom must have its own stylistic balance, made of architectural design and personal choices. The washbasin can also be different from the design of other bathroom fixtures, especially when the use and needs of people are privileged. The bathroom basin is a component which is able to give the environment a strong personal, emotional and formative connotation. Choosing a sink for the bathroom means pondering aesthetics, practicality, functionality, design, size, shape and type: a mix from which the ideal choice springs. Before making a purchase it is necessary to observe any constraints present in the room, above all, due to the positioning of the hydraulic system, which may be an essential point for an analysis that must be carried out in depth, perhaps asking for the advice of a plumber. Ceramics is the most widespread material in the production of bathroom washbasins, because it combines resistance with style and durability. The Kerasan collections can implement a unique style which is versatile in shapes and sizes, to the advantage of an attractive appearance able to overcome the limits that in the past were typical of this kind of product.