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Decorating the bathroom with plants

Decorating the bathroom with plants

Plants in the bathroom? Dracena, Echeveria, Cactus, Agave, Aeonium and Mammilaria are the most suitable plants

Even if the bathroom is not the most important room in a home, it plays a major role. Always keeping it tidy and perfectly clean is therefore fundamental, as is furnishing it from top to bottom without neglecting the slightest detail. If it is true that functionality is indispensable in a bathroom, it is equally true that the eye also plays its part and aesthetics must not be neglected. Furnishing the bathroom with small stylish objects makes it an environment you can proudly boast about. Choosing a nuance which acts as a common denominator and which will highlight the decorations we use, is an excellent idea. This allows us to give a little colour to a room that otherwise may be too cold and serious because of all the tiles used for the flooring and walls. But if there is one thing which should never be missing in a proper bathroom, that is a plant. A plant is the best "accessory" you can choose to decorate your bathroom without having to spend too much: plants give a finishing touch and contribute, at the same time, to making the atmosphere pleasantly cosy and relaxing.

Which plants to choose for the bathroom

The type of plant to be inserted in this context will, of course, be linked to the width of the room itself. It goes without saying that in a small and blind bathroom it may be counter-productive to place a cumbersome kenzia palm that would steal precious space making every single movement difficult. In a spacious bathroom, instead, you can have fun with potted plants, hanging pots, cascading flowers or succulent plants. Everything depends on the result you want to achieve and, of course, on how much you are willing to dare. If you dream of taking a hot bath in a lush and tropical environment, abundance, without a doubt, is the watchword. In this case we suggest starting by choosing a large pot on the floor in which to plant a species with an exotic flavour: a dracena would be ideal, because it grows in height but not in width and does not have too many demands in terms of light, temperature and watering. Generally, in a bathroom, only one plant is sufficient, so we advise against placing a larger number: the risk is that the room may then seem too full of elements and, therefore, confusing. It is better to complete your embellishment with other smaller plants to be placed in the strategic corners of the room.

Plants at will in the strategic corners of the bathroom

On the edge of the bathtub, if you are lucky enough to own one, you could, for example, arrange many small succulents: with echeveria, cactus, agave, aeonium and mammilaria in mini format your bathroom it will immediately take on the appearance of a small tropical oasis in which to enjoy a little healthy and well-deserved relaxation. In this case, the choice of the vases in which to place them will be fundamental: it is better to avoid purchasing different types, because the rainbow effect is not fit for a room that should be sober and refined. It is better to choose a colour that acts as a common thread and then opt for nice tone-on-tone pot holders in different shapes and sizes. There is, however, another hypothesis to take seriously into consideration, especially if you appreciate country-style bathrooms: to give it a rustic look, you may place your small plants, not in classic pot holders, but in repainted and decorated glass bottles or in small jars, placed where they are clearly visible. Cascading plants, once again, are perfect for your bathroom, placed on top of a piece of furniture so that their spectacular appearance can be protagonist inside the bathroom. Those of you looking for unique ideas but not knowing how to furnish the bathroom with plants, should keep in mind that suspended pots are ideal for livening up a flat and monotonous environment. We suggest planting various colourful flowers, obviously carefully placing them in an area that enjoys direct light. Once these plants have developed in your bathroom, you will barely recognize it and you will realize that it is amazingly beautiful.