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Bathroom for the disabled: rules for creating a safe environment

Bathroom for the disabled: rules for creating a safe environment

Any premises opened to the public and all shops must comply with the regulations to remove architectural barriers. When we talk about bathrooms for the disabled, the relevant Italian legislation is the Presidential decree 503/96, which, although it was enacted for public places, can also be implemented at a private level, to create safe environment in private houses. A disabled person, but also elderly people who are no longer completely self-sufficient, will thus be able to regain the autonomy necessary to carry out normal daily cleaning practises with greater simplicity and safety. Those who have movement and ambulating disorders need specially made sanitary ware and spaces large enough to be able to move in perfect safety. So, let us see what requirements we must comply to when furnishing a bathroom for the disabled.

Measurements of disabled bathrooms: what the law says

One of the first aspects to be taken into consideration when building a bathroom for the disabled is the size of the room. In fact, the aforementioned law provides for spaces that must be sufficiently large to allow wheelchair access. For this reason, minimum measurements required for a disabled bathroom are at least 4m by 4m.

To facilitate access, the width of the door must not be less than 90 cm, with the handle placed less than one meter from the floor. Once a disabled person has entered the room, he/she must find sanitary ware and fittings designed to offer maximum comfort and ease of use.  

Bathroom fixtures for disabled people

The all in one toilet bidet for disabled people can be floor trap or wall trap. Regardless of this choice, however, it is important that it ensures a safe sitting position. It features a central gap for personal hygiene and an ergonomic shape for optimal distribution of the weight of the body.

The presence of the toilet seat is an important detail, but it must be chosen with special care and attention. Only high-quality plastics, in fact, ensure good protection from problems related to yellowing as well as adequate fire-retardant treatments. Resistant hinges, made of stainless steel, will guarantee the duration of the unit, preventing the seat from going out of axis and breaking.

Washbasin characteristics

The sink for disabled as well as the all in one toilet bidet, must have precise characteristics to allow simplified use for people with poor mobility. First, it must be ergonomic, deeper than the standard ones and suitable for wheelchair access.

The wall-mounted washbasin for disabled people usually has a rectangular shape, to easily support weight. Some basins are also equipped with special safety handlebars. If the washbasin you have chosen has not got handlebars included, you can always buy them separately and fix them to the wall following the instructions.

The choice of accessories for a safe and comfortable bathroom for disabled people

 Fixed or fold-away handlebars, straight or angled handrails and safety grab bars are preventive measures that should always be placed either near the disabled washbasin or next to the all in one toilet bidet.

The installation with wall plugs is extremely simple and fast. Handlebars offer extra safety to all those who suffer from movement and ambulation disorders.  

In addition to these accessories, it would be advisable to install one or two adjustable mirrors in the bathroom for physically challenged persons. Appropriately tilted forward, they allow people who are sitting to look at themselves in the mirror.

The last accessory that must never be missing in the disabled bathroom is the alarm bell, placed inside the shower area, near the bathtub or the sanitary fixtures, it can be used in case of an emergency.

Shower or bathtub?

Being able to reward ourselves with a pleasant moment of relaxation immersed in a bathtub or under a shower is certainly an occasion that no one would like to give up. Even those who suffer from motorial difficulties will be able to indulge in perfect safety if the shower area is adequately prepared.

If we opt for a shower tray, remember that it is important to choose the flush inset installation and it is best to close the space with a curtain, avoiding glass panels that could become a danger. We can put a folding stool fixed to the wall or a special shower chair inside the shower. The shower mixer tap should be lever-operated and placed at an adequate height to be turned on/off even when seated. The shower rack where the shampoo and body soap will be kept should also be at an accessible height.

On the other hand, if we choose a bathtub, we can find walk-in fixtures made of hypoallergenic materials that allow access through a convenient door.

The production of specific sanitary ware for disabled proposed by >Kerasan allows customers to take all the necessary measures to ensure safety both at home and in public toilets.